By Material:
Material: | Adhesives: |
Ceramics | Epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, silicone, super glue |
Craft Foam | contact cement, craft glue, hot glue, rubber cement, spray adhesive, super glue |
Fabric | contact cement, craft glue, fabric glue, hot glue, mod podge, rubber cement, spray adhesive |
Foam | contact cement, epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, spray adhesive |
Foam Board | craft glue, hot glue, rubber cement, super glue |
Glass | contact cement, epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, silicone, super glue |
Metal | contact cement, epoxy, expansive glue, silicone, super glue |
Organic Materials | craft foam, epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, rubber cement, spray adhesive, super glue |
Paper | contact cement, fabric glue, hot glue, mod podge, rubber cement |
Plastic | contact cement, craft foam, epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, silicone, spray adhesive, super glue |
Rubber | contact cement, rubber cement |
Styrofoam | craft foam, hot glue, rubber cement, spray adhesive |
Wood | Epoxy, expansive glue, hot glue, rubber cement, wood glue |
By Adhesive:
Adhesive: | Materials: |
Contact Cement | craft foam, fabric, foam, glass, metal, paper, plastic, rubber |
Craft Glue | craft foam, fabric, foam board, organic materials, plastic, styrofoam |
Epoxy | ceramics, foam, glass, metal, organic materials, plastic, wood |
Expansive Glue | ceramics, foam, glass, metal, organic materials, plastic, wood |
Fabric Glue | fabric, paper |
Hot Glue | ceramics, craft foam, fabric, foam, foam board, glass, organic materials, paper, plastic, styrofoam, wood |
Mod Podge | fabric, paper |
Rubber Cement | craft foam, fabric, foam board, organic materials, paper, styrofoam, wood |
Silicone | ceramics, glass, metal, plastic |
Spray Adhesive | craft foam, fabric, foam, organic materials, plastic, styrofoam |
Super Glue | ceramics, craft foam, foam board, glass, metal, organic materials, plastic |
Wood Glue | wood |
Some things to note:
- Mod Podge is available for just about every project now.
While it is great for decoupaging paper projects, you can now get
Mod Podge for fabric projects, molding projects. You can also select
varying strengths you need for a project and it's available in
various finishes such as matte, glossy and a water proof
sealant(there's even a dishwasher safe formula). Use this solely as
a sealer for your project or safely double it up as an adhesive and
sealer. You can also make a variation of Mod Podge at home by mixing
1 part Elmer's Glue with 1 part water. This method is a cost
efficient alternative but may not hold up as well as the actual
product and may not offer the same sealing effects of Mod Podge.
- The Tacky Glue brand of craft glues has also expanded its own
line of products to suit more projects, dry times and ease of use.
- Polyurethane glue is most similar to epoxy(in the bonding).
- When working with materials such as Worbla, hot glue or epoxy
are the go to adhesives, however when heated Worbla has its own
adhesive so two pieces can be heated and put together without the
need for an extra glue.
- Expansive glues do just what the name suggests; when drying these glues will expand in size. This aspect of these particular glues makes them very dangerous for house hold pets; if ingested these glues can expand inside of your pet's stomach so pet owners be weary when using these. Some examples of expansive glues are Carpenter's Glue, Elmer's Glue All Max, Gorilla Glue and Titebond 3
If you have any of your own recommendations please add them in the comments! I'll gladly make updates with additional information to this post. :)
thanks for sharing,get an rubber with adhesiveat high quality.